At least Cade thinks so! We took Cade to Knoxville for his first VOLS game last Saturday. It was UT's Homecoming, so there were lots of neat things to do and see. He was so good all day!

On campus
Me: "Cade, this is where Mommy went to college. Do You think you will go here one day?"
Cade: "Did Daddy go to college here?"
Me: "No, Daddy went to Lipscomb."
Cade: "I wanna go to Wipscomb!"
Oh well:)

With his new football from the bookstore. He held onto it all day, and even fell asleep with it in his hands.

The UT Dance Team ...ladies man;)

Cheerleaders this point I think that my dad and Heath were enjoying the pictures more than Cade! Ha!


Waiting for the Vol Walk. Dad mentioned the "Lane Train," and I think Cade was disappointed that there was not a real train.

Singing "Rocky Top Tennessee"

Warm Ups

Tennessee Walking Horse for Homecoming

Sitting with Pam
precious.....add it to his list of "firsts" pretty special! love,aunt b
cute pictures. we really have to attempt that! it's alright if he goes to "wipscomb"..keep those kiddos close to home :-)!
it's hard lookin' at all those ugly orange clothes, but other than that the pictures were all cute! i'll have to show lilly the cheerleaders tomorrow--she'll be so excited :) cade is definitely looking like a ladies man :)
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