Thursday, October 16, 2008

A few more of my favorites!

I received my CD from the photographer yesterday. It had over 200 pictures on it! I don't know how I will choose which ones to put in my house- maybe one of each:) Here were some other ones I liked (as you can tell, Mr. Cade was in a really good mood that day!):



Jenn and Chris Looney said...

What a precious baby! I miss you guys.

chesley said...

They are all sooo good!

The Hurley's said...

Kelly, what a handsome lil stud! The pictures are great! You should have your photographer design you a coffee table book or brag book, or you can create one if you have a disc with all the pictures. I love them, and are so handy for having around, without having to pick and choose which ones you want to hang up.

The Ralph's said...

Kelly, I love Cade's pictures. I have already been sharing the link that you posted previously with my photographer for ideas =)

Anonymous said...

I love them all! He is just too cute...I will have to get one when I am there for Christmas. He is getting so big.

Love & miss you all,

Lesli said...

These are the sweetest pictures. I love the photographer. He is getting so big. We had fun at the zoo!

Courtney said...

Great pictures! I don't know if you got my email reply - my email has been acting CRAZY! Anyway, if you didn't Michael is going to the game, but I am not. We are actually staying in Gatlinburg for the weekend so I will be hanging with my little boy and the girls to do some outlet shopping! Are you guys going? If so I hope it isn't too cold and rainy! However it will be a nice change from being so hot!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice tennis shoes!